
Quorum Sensing: Skin Flora Signal System

Xenological Preterrelations

m/other: arts of repair


ART4MED fosters encounters between art practices and biomedical health research.
5 partners from 5 EU countries probe the possibilities for expanding notions and methodologies of techno-medicine / medical sciences / health-related sciences, in order to democratize these fields and open them up to creative experimentation.
How can we foster encounters between art practices and biomedical health research? How can art raise issues of equity in access to healthcare? How can we survive in a fast-changing societal environment, under the influence of big data, material and technical innovation? What kind of vocabulary and methodologies can we use to engage and encourage cross-disciplinary collaborations that might actively relieve global but unequally distributed vulnerability, illness and exhaustion? And how can we respond to such urgent issues as the exclusion of marginalized groups from healthcare, global migrations, collapses in environmental health and the need to foster radical care in these pandemic times?
In order to tackle these issues, we propose to form a consortium: 5 partners from 5 EU countries will unite around their common interest to experiment and disseminate collaborations between hands-on medical humanities and investigative art methodologies. In 2021 and 2022, the consortium will propose 5 residencies, 5 symposiums, talks, co-creative methodology workshops, online collaborations, hands-on sessions, exhibitions, and a final publication and festival in Paris.
ART4MED aims to: